National Geographic Photo Contest 2014- ” CONNECTED WITH CAMERA.CO.ID to get much information”
ini lah pemenang Contes Photo 2014
Photo and caption by Triston Yeo
- The thermal spas in Budapest [are] one of the favorite activities of Hungarians, especially in winter. We were fortunate to gain special access to shoot in the thermal spa thanks to our tour guide, Gabor. I love the mist, caused by the great difference in temperature between the hot spa water and the atmosphere. It makes the entire spa experience more surreal and mystical.
Photo and caption by Nicole Cambré
- Jump of the wildebeest at the Mara River
- Photo Location
- North Serengeti, Tanzania
Photo and caption by Brian Yen
- In the last ten years, mobile data, smartphones and social networks have forever changed our existence. Although this woman stood at the center of a jam-packed train, the warm glow from her phone told the strangers around her that she wasn’t really there. She managed to slip away from “here” for a short moment; she’s a node flickering on the social web, roaming the Earth, free as a butterfly. Our existence is no longer stuck to the physical here; we’re free to run away, and run we will.
- Photo Location
- Hong Kong