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Vari-N-Duo™ adds our LB Warming Polarizer tothe Vari-ND™ — both in one versatile filter !

Now you can polarize your “blurred-motion” images for even more drama and color saturation with the Vari-N-Duo Variable Neutral Density Filter

  • Front Min/Max density ring lets you adjust density from 2-2/3 to 8 f/stops — greatly extends exposure times
  • Polarization is easily controlled by rotating the ring just behind the Min/Max ring
  • The LB Warming Polarizer reduces glare from sky, water, wet rocks, and other reflective surfaces
  • Filter thread on front ring of Standard mount lets you add either a Mor-Slo 5-stop Solid ND Filter or a Cokin holder for ND Grad Filters
  • Available in 77mm only (Standard and Thin Ring mounts)
Tony Sweet calls Singh-Ray’s Vari-N-Duo “much better for most of my outdoor shooting”

When fine-art nature photographer Tony Sweet made the exciting image seen above, he was able to slow his exposure down to 10 seconds to convey the surging action of the mountain stream while he also controlled the specular highlights reflecting off the stones and moss to reveal their true colors — and he did it all with one filter. The new Vari-N-Duo filter combines the ability of the classic Vari-ND filter to slow your shutter speeds anywhere from two to eight f-stops along with the glare and reflection control of the LB Warming Polarizer. To better appreciate the value of the polarizing feature, place your cursor anywhere on the image above and make your own ‘with-and-without’ visual comparison.

“I’ve been very happy shooting with the Vari-ND for the past couple of years,” says Tony, “but I’m ready to say Singh-Ray found a neat way to upgrade it. For my needs, it’s much better to have the LB Warming Polarizer in the same filter. When I was making this image of the stream in Provo, Utah, it was really impressive to see how beautifully the Vari-N-Duo cut out the glare off the rocks and moss.”

Until now, Tony and many other outdoor photographers have been “stacking” their Vari-ND filter with an LB Warming Polarizer to slow the exposure times — by anywhere from 2-2/3 stops to as much as 8 stops — at the same time their LB Polarizer blocked the glaring light reflections from the sky, water, and glossy surfaces. “Stacking the two filters worked OK,” says Tony, “but controlling both filters at once required patience. The new Vari-N-Duo gives me easier and better control. It has the ‘Min/Max’ density control ring on the outer rim (see photo above) with the polarizing ring right next to it. It didn’t take long to get used to adjusting them to the settings I wanted.”


Tujuan Pengiriman